MP to deliver Heathrow petition to 10 Downing St. Ann Keen presenting 4,000 signatures against third runway Ann Keen, Member of Parliament for Brentford & Isleworth will on Monday 1st December deliver a petition of over 4000 signatures to Number 10 to stating opposition to a planned third runway at Heathrow Airport.
Ann Keen said: �I am supportive of the airport in West London, Heathrow brings in important jobs and prosperity to our local economy but a third runway is a step too far. Enough is Enough!! �We need a sensible way forward but not at the expense of the quality of life of local residents. With this petition I am voicing my constituent�s strong opposition." The Government�s current consultation in the �Future Development of Air Transport in the UK� includes an option to build a third runway at Heathrow Airport a decision is expected later this month. Anti-expansion campaigners say a third runway would have serious environmental and quality of life implications for residents throughout London and particularly those that live under the flight path. November 27, 2003 |