Heathrow Noise Action Plan Consultation Launched |
Chance to give your views to BAA on how they intend to manage aircraft noise
Heathrow Airport is inviting community members to give their feedback over the next 16 weeks on details of how it intends to manage aircraft noise impacts over the five years 2010 – 2015. Following this, BAA will consider the feedback received and will then submit a draft noise action plan to the Secretary of State for Transport by 30 November 2009. If approved, this will then be passed to the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs which is responsible for confirming their official adoption of the plan. BAA hopes to publish a final noise action plan early in 2010. Three public sessions will also take place at the Heathrow Academy on the following dates: The consultation's launch came just hours before reports that taxpayers could end up 'footing the bill' for the controversial expansion of the airport. According to the Press Association, taxpayers may end up subsidising the £9 billion third runway at Heathrow because of the "precarious" finances of the airport's operator, BAA. Labour MP John McDonnell highlighted reports that BAA had urged the Government to revise plans that would give ministers powers over its airports if it went bust. Mr McDonnell, whose constituency includes Heathrow, said this would mean the Government footing much of the bill for the controversial expansion. June 16, 2009 |