BA condemned for 'profit over people' attitude

Ann Keen MP asks for your support in her submission to the consultation process as aviation industry gets behind third runway option

The campaign against a third runway has intensified following British Airways statement in favour of expansion at Heathrow. Their announcement follows on the heels of the apparent U-turn by BAA who had given previous assurances that they were not considering runway expansion at Heathrow only to recently announce that a third runway was their preferred option.

Councillor Ruth Cadbury, who has the transport portfolio on Hounslow Council's Executive, said, "BA�s stance comes as no surprise, given their recent calls for more night flights and the removal of the existing runway alternation system � the only thing giving residents some small respite from otherwise constant noise nuisance from aircraft. The increases in noise, pollution and congestion and the effect on the quality of life of people not just in Hounslow but all of West London, should the third runway go ahead, have simply been brushed aside, underlining the industry�s overall position in favour of profit over people."

Ann Keen MP for Brentford and Isleworth is currently preparing her submission to the Department of Transport's consultation process on air transport expansion is urging her constituents to write to her about the matter. The consultation closes at the end of June and she wants to include as many submissions as possible from local residents who are against the third runway proposal. She has already received hundreds of letters from constituents on the matter.

If you want to add to the submission send your views in writing to Ann Keen MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Mark the envelope �RW3�

She said, �I want to know how the current level of aircraft traffic affects you and how you feel a third runway would impact on your lives. I will be making my voice heard and those of my constituents against a third runway. The economic benefits do not and should not outweigh the environmental concerns and the quality of life of local residents.�

Cllr Cadbury said that whilst it made a significant contribution to the local economy Heathrow had reached the limits of its sustainable development. She dismissed BA's claims that the existing transport links make BA an obvious option for expansion pointing out that even BAA and the Government acknowledge that massive investment in infrastructure would be necessary to handle the projected 116 million passengers.

She added, "We strongly believe that a third runway would have a devastating social and economic impact on the Borough, which is not yet fully appreciated or understood. "

Alan Keen MP together with Friends of the Earth, Hacan and the No 3rd Runway Group will join with local residents in opposition against proposals for a third runway at Heathrow on Saturday 7th June 2003 at 11.30.

A Walk is being organised by Friends of the Earth, HACAN and the No 3rd Runway Group, marking the route of the runway, starting at Harlington 11.30 AM. (To time with the consultation period which ends 30th June) The Walk is approximately 2 miles and will end in Harmondsworth about 1.30 pm with a Rally. The village pubs (which would be under the runway) are organising refreshment along the route, with barbeques at the end.

May 23, 2003

Councils and MPs unite in opposition to airport expansion

Council calls for Heathrow health study

BAA accused of moving the goal posts on air pollution

HACAN ClearSkies