Homophobic 'Hate' Crimes Fall In Ealing

Police reassure public that any incidents are taken

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Police say over the last year there has been a decrease in so called homophobic 'hate crimes' in Ealing.

Tuesday (17th May) marked the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHo) and police had a stand at Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre encouraging people to report all types of hate crimes, including homophobic ones.

James Rawlinson from Ealing Police said :

"Today's annual IDAHo event was an ideal opportunity to reassure the LGBT community that police will listen to their concerns and take homophobic incidents seriously.

''Our LGBT Liaison Officers are able to support victims of homophobic crime and work closely with other local LGBT organisations.

''Ealing has seen a 26% decrease in homophobic crime in the last year and we successfully dealt with over 51% of these. Events like IDAHo ensure we maintain our commitment to providing a fair and responsive service to the LGBT community".

Officers included PCSOs from Ealing Broadway Safer Neighbourhood Team and LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender) Liaison Officers who are available to provide specific support to people involved in homophobic incidents.

The officers were joined by West London Gay Men's Project who regularly work with Ealing Police and who provide online third party incident reporting for people who would prefer not to report homophobic incidents directly to police.

More advice on all types of hate crime can be found on the Metropolitan Police website at http://www.met.police.uk/csu/hatecrime.htm

Detail about IDAHo can be found here


19 May 2011