William Hague Helps Out in Chiswick

Former Tory leader lends support to local candidate

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Mary Macleod with William Hague on Chiswick High Road

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William Hague, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, spent Bank Holiday Monday meeting the residents of Chiswick.

Accompanied by Mary Macleod, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chiswick, Brentford, Isleworth, Osterley and Hounslow, he walked the length of the High Road, speaking to local residents.

He said if residents want a change from Gordon Brown and this 'tired' Labour government, it can only be achieved by voting Conservative at the General Election.

A crowd of local residents gathered at Sir William Hogarth’s statue, and William Hague took to his soapbox to tell everyone listening that only the Conservative Party can deliver the change that is needed for the country.

He also encouraged everyone to vote for Mary, saying that she would be an “excellent, hardworking, capable and effective local Member of Parliament”.

Mary commented,

"It was great to have William supporting my campaign. Every vote counts in this General Election as it is a tight contest between Labour and Conservative. Only by voting Conservative on Thursday will you get a new government that will start to rebuild this country on Friday. A vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for five more years of Gordon Brown. We need people to vote for change,“

May 5, 2010