Gunnersbury Park Seeks To Crowdfund Sci-Fi History Display

Exhibition would celebrate the area's links to the genre on screen

Original Doctor Who villians would feature

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June 16, 2023

Gunnersbury Park Museum is planning an exhibition about the links of the local area to the creation of classic Sci-Fi films and TV programmes.

It is seeking public support for the event by launching a crowdfunder to raise £15,000 for the event which is due to take place in the Autumn.

‘Set to Stun: A celebration of Sci-Fi film and television design’, which will be a free to enter exhibition, will aim to turn the camera around and focus on the designers and technicians who brought the shows to life.

There will be an interactive showcase of the costumes, sets, work and imagination that goes into building some of the best known moments from the genre dating back a century.

The exhibition would provide an opportunity to get up close to original daleks, cybermen and other well-known villains. The museum is also commissioning a specially made one-off set for visitors to explore, designed by Jeremy Bear, a veteran of the industry who created early Dr Who sets. Original props, monsters, interactive mirrors, community curated art, smoke machines and more can be expected.

West London has been home to a hive of studios and workshops that fed into some of the country’s most iconic Sci-Fi films and TV shows. Local set designers, model makers, and costume designers played a pivotal role in creating films and tv shows which would go on to become household names, including Doctor Who, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Red Dwarf.

The Museum is working with the Art Fund in an attempt to raise money in a month long campaign to realise the exhibition which will be the first large-scale one since the venue got National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) status.

Previous exhibitions have included those celebrating everything from Women’s Football to the Acton Top Quilt.

Professor James Knowles, Chair of Gunnersbury Museum and Park Development Trust said, “Please do help us celebrate west London’s unseen sci-fi heritage. A donation of any amount would be incredibly helpful: even £5 will help us rocket off! And to reward our donors’ generosity, we’ve assembled a huge range of exciting gifts. Pick from prints, postcards, totes, and even exclusive tours and explosive escape rooms. Plus, we also have a reading and Q&A with David Learner, aka Marvin the Paranoid Android of BBC’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to grab your galactic fancy.”

To donate and browse the rewards follow this link.

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June 16, 2023