Given Gold by London in Bloom and the Green Flag Award

The Gunnersbury Park team celebrates its Green Flag Award
Gunnersbury Park is celebrating being given two awards. The park has been awarded Gold by London in Bloom and the Green Flag Award.
London in Bloom has been running for 53 years and this is the high level award achieved by Gunnersbury. The award aims to encourage community involvement, care for the environment, and the maintenance of Green Spaces are seen as priorities.
Throughout the UK’s 16 regions, Bloom is contributing to maintaining communities and social cohesion and volunteering that is taking up the slack left by Local Authorities dwindling budgets and other perceived priorities.
The Green Flag Award scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces.
In announcing the awards Gunnersbury Estate (2026) CIC said, “This is down to the dedicated hard work our gardening team and park volunteers over the last year, all in very difficult circumstances due to Covid.”
“We know Gunnersbury Park has played a vital role in our local community’s lives during Covid – quotes such as ‘lifeline’, ‘crucial to our happiness during lockdown’ and ‘vital to mental wellbeing’ being amongst the feedback we’ve had from our visitors, and it is wonderful that the park and the team have been recognised by these two awarding bodies.”

The lake at Gunnersbury Park
Chris Ellis, Park Manager at Gunnersbury said, “The first time Gunnersbury Park entered London in Bloom was in 2020 and we were awarded High Silver Gilt. We are delighted to have exceeded this and achieved a Gold for 2021. It’s a real credit to the Park & Garden team and volunteers for all their hard work and dedication. Next year we will be entering even more London in Bloom categories in the hope of bagging more medals ! As if this news wasn’t good enough the park has also been awarded this year’s Green Flag which we will be proudly flying from our flag pole. I’d also like to thank all the public support we have had over the last couple of years. especially during the pandemic.”
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October 15, 2021