Gunnersbury Car Park Charges Introduction Delayed Again

Management now says they will start in November at the earliest

Gunnersbury Park car park

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Gunnersbury Park and Museum, Popes Lane, London, W5 4NH
020 3961 0280

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The introduction of car parking charges in Gunnersbury Park has been delayed again with the park’s management now saying they will be introduced in November at the earliest.

An earlier statement had said that the charges would be introduced in the first or second week of October after the original intention to start charging in mid-September. The reasons for the delay are not clear as the signage and ticket machines are all in place. The Gunnersbury Park community interest company (CIC) has said previously that work needed to be done ‘behind the scenes’ following the installation of the ticket machines to ensure smooth operation.

Cars parking at Gunnersbury will be charged £1 per hour with a maximum stay of 4 hours. Charges will apply at all times. Visitors can pay either via an app or using a credit/debit card at the machines on site which will not accept cash. Blue Badge holders will not be charged, or have a time limit on their stay, and can park either in the main car park or in the disabled car park next to Gunnersbury Park Museum. It is not clear at this stage as to how blue badge holders will be exempted from the charges as they will be enforced by ANPR cameras and the badge entitles the holder to park for free in any car in which they are a passenger or are driving.

It is understood that there will be a ten minute grace period from the expiry of a parking ticket and there will also be a ten minute window to allow people to be dropped off in the park without a fine being incurred.

Concerns have been expressed about the impact of the four parking limit on cricket teams playing on the pitches within the park as matches may require them to stay for longer than that.

The arrangements proposed by the CIC which manages the park have proven to be controversial as no management fee is being paid to the parking contractor Gemini Park Solutions which will be reliant on income from fines.

All the revenues from parking charges would go to the CIC. Gemini Park Solutions is a member of the British Parking Association and runs a number of other ANPR parking facilities across the country.

In its statement the CIC says, “These funds are all the more essential following the effects of Covid-19 and the loss of the café on our income, and will help ensure that Gunnersbury survives and thrives.”

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October 12, 2021

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