Man Runs in Front of King's Rolls Royce on Westway

Incident near Savoy Circus captured live on television

Moment when man indicates to Royal protection officers that he is not a threat
Moment when man indicates to Royal protection officers that he is not a threat. Picture: Sky News


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A man ran in front of a Rolls Royce in which King Charles III was a passenger on the Westway this Monday (12 September) in an incident that was broadcast live on Sky TV.

The car, along with an escort of security vehicles, was travelling westbound approaching Savoy Circus in East Acton, when the man starting running alongside in front of Banstead Court.

The man, who was wearing a white top and blue trousers, then ran into the middle lane of three lanes of slow moving traffic forcing a van to stop, boxing the royal convoy in.

He appears to take a photo and then indicated to armed close protection officers, who were emerging from a Range Rover behind the King’s car, that he meant no harm. They ordered him away from the car and he complied.

Security experts interviewed in the media afterwards concurred that the man was lucky not to have been shot by the officers protecting the King who would have had to have made a split-second decision on the nature of the threat that he presented.

The King is believed to have been on his way to RAF Northolt to fly to Scotland where he addressed the Scottish parliament.

The Queen’s coffin is to be flown from Edinburgh to RAF Northolt on the evening of Tuesday 13 September and then will be driven, accompanied by the Princess Royal, to Buckingham Palace where it will rest in the Bow Room.

The funeral of the Queen requires one of the biggest ever security operations ever run by the Metropolitan Police.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy said: “Working closely with the City of London Police and British Transport Police, the Met will now coordinate and deploy a comprehensive policing plan in London. This operation will be highly visible, particularly in Westminster and areas around Buckingham Palace and St James’s Park.

“A great number of police officers will be on duty during this period, to ensure the safety of those visiting London and to deter any potential criminality. Officers will also be offering advice to visitors, particularly those who may be unfamiliar with the city.

“Those visiting London are asked to remain vigilant and report any concerns to police officers on duty.”

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September 13, 2022

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