'Inclusive and Active 2'

Increasing opportunities for disabled people in sport

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'Inclusive and Active 2', is the new five year sport and physical activity strategy for disabled people in London

Created in partnership between the Greater London Authority (GLA), NHS London and Interactive,Inclusive and Active 2' aims to build on the success and profile of the first 'Inclusive and Active.'

The strategy will increase the number of disabled people participating in sport and physical activity, change perceptions of how disabled people can maintain an active lifestyle and embed inclusion within mainstream sport and physical activity.

Richard Barnes Deputy Mayor said "London has made great strides towards becoming a genuinely inclusive city, but there is still much to be done. As the next hosts of the Paralympic Games we must be aiming for a city in which sport and physical activity is always accessible for disabled people. 'Inclusive and Active 2' sets out a pathway towards meeting this aim. I urge everyone involved in sport to read it, to adopt it, and to implement it."
'Inclusive and Active 2' sets out five overarching strategic themes and identifies targeted outcomes to increase opportunities for disabled people to participate in sport and physical activity at the level of their choice. The success of the strategy relies on a plethora of organisations across the sport, health and disability sectors in London adopting the strategy.

NHS London Regional Director of Public Health Dr Simon Tanner said '''Inclusive and Active 2' is a blueprint for galvanising partners across the sport, health and disability sectors. We need to work together to encourage everyone to get involved in sport and physical activity and improve their health.
Interactive Chair Tracey McCillen, said “Disability equality in sport is at the heart of 'Inclusive and Active 2', firmly placing the responsibility for inclusion of disabled people with mainstream service providers. It is a new and exciting collaboration across the disability, health and sports sectors and will achieve real change over the next five years.

The legacy will be a real culture change as more mainstream providers act upon their responsibility to include disabled people as well as more disabled people themselves embracing sport and physical activity as a viable lifestyle choice.”
'Inclusive and Active 2' is now available to download on all three co-owner websites.

August 7 2010