Local charity ranks amongst best in Britain

Crossroads care scheme highly rated by national body

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A scheme that supports Carers in Hounslow has been rated as one of the best in Britain according to a national standards body.

Hounslow Crossroads Care Scheme has successfully achieved Level 3 of the Crossroads Quality Evaluation Tool (CROQUET), one of only two Crossroads Schemes nationwide to be ranked at the highest level.

Gill Hutson, Scheme Director, said: “We at Hounslow Crossroads believe that aspiring to meet these quality standards ensures that our Staff are suitably trained and supported to meet the changing needs of Carers and people with disabilities. As a team we are very proud of our achievement.”

Hounslow Crossroads supports Carers living in the London Borough of Hounslow, who look after people of all ages with physical, mental, or sensory impairment.

The scheme provides paid, trained Care Support Workers to take over the caring role on a regular basis, so long-term carers can have a break.

The service is free and was started in 1993 and now provides over 16,000 care hours every year. Hounslow Crossroads is a registered charity funded by the London Borough of Hounslow and Hounslow Primary Care Trust.

The CROQUET standards are set by the national Crossroads Association to ensure all Crossroads schemes nationwide deliver a high quality service to Carers and the people they care for.

CROQUET is divided into three levels and each level examines schemes on governance, finance, service, and quality issues.

Hounslow Crossroads achieved Level 1 of CROQUET in September 2001 and Level 2 in July 2004. In order to attain Level 3, the Scheme was visited by two independent Auditors, who examined key organisational documents and interviewed Trustees, Staff, Care Support Workers and a Carer receiving a service.

The Audit report described Hounslow Crossroads as “a growing and developing organisation which has a clear direction and purpose” and that “Trustees and Staff appear to be committed to providing a high quality service and take a real pride in their organisation.”

November 9, 2005