Two sought over Acton Park sexual assault

E-fits issued of men suspected of attack that took place in July

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Ealing Borough Police are appealling for help from the general public in identifying two male suspects who police believe are responsible for an incident of sexual assault, which occurred in Acton Park, W3 in the early hours of Sunday 4th July 2004. The female victim was returning home when she was approached by two males in Acton Park and attacked.

When the victim got an opportunity to escape she ran off in the direction of the Churchfield Road exit of the park. She did not look back so is unable to say if the suspects followed her or which direction the suspects went.

The first suspect (pictured right) is a black male aged around 30 and about 6ft tall. He had a large build and short 'frizzy' dark hair. The victim has described him as having large hands with particularly shiny palm and sharp fingernails.

He was wearing a black three quarter length jacket, which had two drawstring ties hanging from the collar, baggy trousers and black shoes or boots.

The second suspect is a black male, 5 07” – 5’ 08”, thin/skinny build, and dark braided hair. He was wearing a grey hooded top (which the victim states was too big for him), dark blue baggy jeans, black boots or trainers

Ealing Police would ask anyone with any information about this incident or who may recognise the suspects from their E-fits to contact DC Jim Cooper in The Sapphire Unit at Southall Police Station on telephone number 020-8246-1018a or alternatively Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Police would also like to appeal to any victims of unreported sexual assaults, which may have occurred in this area to contact them at the Sapphire Office at Southall Police Station on telephone number 020-8246-1018 or alternatively Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

An Ealing Police spokesperson stated, "We are anxious to trace the offenders and would ask anyone with information, no matter how insignificant it may appear, to contact us. This was a particulary shocking incident and we would ask members of the public to be espically vigiliant as these individuals pose a threat to lone females."

Staying safe when you’re out and about
  • If you often walk home in the dark, get a personal attack alarm from a DIY store or ask your local crime prevention officer where you can buy one. Carry it in your hand so you can use it immediately to scare off an attacker. Make sure it is designed to continue sounding if it’s dropped or falls to the ground.
  • Carry your bag close to you with the clasp facing inwards. Carry your house keys in your pocket. If someone grabs your bag, let it go. If you hang on, you could get hurt. Remember your safety is more important than your property.
  • If you think someone is following you, check by crossing the street – more than once if necessary – to see if he follows. If you are still worried, get to the nearest place where there are other people – a pub or anywhere with a lot of lights on – and call the police. Avoid using an enclosed phone box in the street, as the attacker could trap you inside.
  • If you regularly go jogging or cycling, try to vary your route and time. Stick to well-lit roads with pavements. On commons and parklands, keep to main paths and open spaces where you can see and be seen by other people – avoid wooded areas. If you wear a personal stereo, remember you can’t hear traffic, or somebody approaching behind you
  • Don’t take short cuts through dark alleys, parks or across waste ground. Walk facing the traffic so a car cannot pull up behind you unnoticed.
  • If a car stops and you are threatened, scream and shout, and set off your personal attack alarm if you have one. Get away as quickly as you can. This will gain you vital seconds and make it more difficult for the car driver to follow. If you can, make a mental note of the number and description of the car. Write down details as soon as possible afterwards.
  • Don’t hitchhike or take lifts from strangers.
  • Cover up expensive looking jewellery.
  • Self-defence and safety awareness classes may help you feel more secure. Ask your local council or your work if they have classes.
If the worst happens

Think what you would do if someone attacked you. Could you fight back, or would you avoid resisting and wait to escape? Only you can decide whether to fight back, but preparing yourself for all possibilities could provide a split-second advantage.

  • If someone threatens you, shout and scream for help and set off your personal attack alarm if you have one. This may unnerve the attacker and frighten him off.
  • You have every right to defend yourself, with reasonable force with items, which you have with you like an umbrella, hairspray or keys can be used against the attacker. The law however doesn’t allow carrying anything, which can be described as an offensive weapon.
What men can do
  • If you are walking in the same direction as a woman on her own, don’t walk behind her – this may worry her. Cross the road and walk on the other side. This may reassure her that you are not following her.
  • Don’t sit too close to a woman on her own in a railway carriage or bus
  • If you are thinking of chatting to a woman waiting, for example, at a lonely bus stop, remember that she won’t know you mean no harm.
  • Realise how threatening actions such as staring, whistling, passing comments and jostling can be, particularly when you are one of a group of men.
  • Help female friends or family members by giving them a lift or walking them home when you can. If you do, make sure they are safely indoors before you leave.

October 15, 2004