Dodgy Builders Hit Ravenscourt Park

Cowboys charged pensioner over £4,000 for poor work

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Residents are urged to be on the look out for a group of dodgy builders who fleeced a pensioner out of £4,000 and were looking to get even more before Trading Standards intervened.

The man, who lives close to Ravenscourt Park, was cold called by builders on July 25, who said that they had noticed some work needed doing on his roof. They charged him over £4,000 for some pointing work.

Over the following week they then said that further work needed doing and demanded an additional £3,900.

The man became suspicious and his friend called Consumer Direct, who in turn alerted the Trading Standards team at Hammersmith and Fulham Council.

Trading Standards officers went to the pensioner's house and noticed that the work that had been carried out was of poor quality. The officers did manage to talk to the builders on the phone, and made it clear that, having already spent over £4,000, the consumer did not want to pay another penny, let alone £3,900.

Cllr Nick Botterill, deputy leader and cabinet member for environment, said:” Homeowners should beware of builders knocking on their door and saying work needs doing. Elderly people in particular are often scammed into parting with large sums of money for poor quality or nonexistent work. If you think work may need doing on your property, get a couple of quotes from reputable local builders. You do have cancellation rights with unexpected callers, and it is illegal for them to hide those rights from you. If you have concerns about work being carried out on your house call Consumer Direct.”

If you have concerns about work being carried out on your house, or know of dodgy builders working in the area, call Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06.

August 13, 2009