Anti-Social Behaviour Goes Online

New website shows how ASB is being tackled locally

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ASB Action Website

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A new website has been launched to allow residents to find out what is being done to combat anti-social behaviour in their neighbourhood and to find out who is responsible for dealing with these issues in their local area.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) includes a range of problems such as noisy neighbours, abandoned cars, vandalism, graffiti, litter and intimidating groups.

The new website includes the latest data showing what public perceptions of anti-social behaviour are in each area and

which powers are being used to tackle particular problems.

It also gives residents an opportunity to compare their local area with others across the country to see what is being done elsewhere.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson said: "No one should assume anti-social behaviour is a problem they should have to live with.

"Giving the public easy access to support and ways of holding authorities to account when they are not doing well enough is vital if we are to give the public confidence that tough action is being taken on antisocial behaviour.

"We have given local areas a raft of tools and powers to tackle this problem and many areas have done excellent work, but local people expect action and now every member of the public can see what is being done."

To have a look at the ASB Action Website, click here.

July 13, 2009