'Works of art' cause major bomb scare

Terror alert artist named by Police

West London ground to a halt this week when police sealed off an area around Shepherd's Bush Green after members of the public notified them of suspicious packages at five separate sites.

Whilst officers were responding to these reports, a 36 year old woman, who has now been named as Monica Saieva, walked into Hammersmith Police Station and announced that she had deliberately left the packages as artworks.

Ms Saieva from Shepherd's Bush who describes herself as an artist, was arrested and later released on bail.

Her 'works of art' which caused a major terror alert were reported to have nails sticking out of them leading to fears that they were real nail bombs.

One of the packages which was found in Charecroft Way, Shepherd's Bush, reportedly consisted of three cardboard tubes supporting a polystyrene "altar" on which there were flowers and a note which referred to the loss of a "Pelagius".

Extensive road closures were put in place as a precaution leading to major disruption in the area. 


April 28, 2006