A Clean Sweep For Local Streets

Top marks for Ealing's cleaning service

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ActonW3.com, ChiswickW4.com EalingToday.co.uk

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New statistics show Ealing’s streets are the cleanest they have ever been at this time of year.

The results for October show that, overall, 90.2% received grade A – the highest possible rating. This is the first time a score of above 90% has ever been achieved in October, when it is harder to gain good results because of falling leaves.

The standard of cleanliness has been consistently high for the past four months. Since July, more than 90% of Ealing’s streets have received a grade A, which means the street is free from litter, and other materials such as fallen leaves. In July, 93.5% of the borough’s streets were grade A, in August this rose to 95.6% and in September 94.6% of streets achieved this result.

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for Transport and Environment, said:
“I’m delighted that, for the first time, the October results show more than 90% of streets received the top grade. We know that having clean streets is a priority for residents and these results prove our commitment to keep Ealing clean is strong and the actions we have taken are working.

“We’ve made improvements such as introducing Saturday street cleaning and have focused our resources on litter hot-spots. Next month we are launching Grimebusters – a 24-hour, 7 day-a-week hotline for reporting incidents of fly-tipping, graffiti and emergency cleansing on our streets. These excellent results also reflect the positive working relationship between the council and its contractors.”

Read the Conservative response here

Are you happy with the street cleaning on your road or could it be better?

10 November 2010