Beatrix Potter movie being filmed locally

Film with Ewan McGregor & Renee Zellweger has familiar locations

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St. Peter's Square with artificial snow - Picture by Jim Lawes

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Another Potter movie is being filmed locally but this time it is Beatrix rather than Harry who is being featured. The big budget Hollywood production about the life of the children's author stars Ewan McGregor, Emily Watson and Renee Zellweger.

A series of location shoots have taken place in the area including at St. Peter's Square, the Butts and Osterley Park. St. Peter's Square was transformed into a winter wonderland with artificial snow covering the ground as horse drawn carriages travelled through it.

The film is to be entitled 'Miss Potter' and the location team will be moving onto the Lake District the area where the author lived.

American actress, Renee Zellweger will be taking the title role having proved she is up to the task of performing with an English accent in the two Bridget Jones movies.

Chris Noonan is directing the film which is scheduled to be released next year.

March 13, 2006