London Buses appeal against Gypsy Corner bus depot decision

Local residents rush to make their case

Residents in West Acton fighting the development of a bus depot at Gypsy Corner are angry that they only have a few days to make their case to the council.

The West Acton Residents Association reports:

"At the beginning of March 2005, residents living close to the proposed Bus Depot at Gypsy Corner were told by Ealing Planning Services that London Buses Ltd had appealed against last November's Planning Committee decision to refuse planning permission. The appeal would be heard at a Public Inquiry. Residents have now received further letters to advise them that the deadline for representations to the Planning Inspectorate has been extended until the 28th April 2005.   The original letters were received after the statutory six weeks period from the start date of the appeal for writing to the Planning Inspectorate had already expired.

Local residents remain convinced that the site on the junction of Horn Lane and Western Avenue is not appropriate for a Bus Depot, and continue their opposition to the plan.   The reasons why the Planning Committee refused the Application are as valid today as they were last November; the main reason being the substantial encroachment into the A40 Green Corridor policy of Ealing Council's Unitary Development Plan.   However, whilst residents can and should still voice their opposition by letter to the Planning Inspectorate, the matter is now largely in the hands of the Ealing Council, as the Local Planning Authority.
A provisional date in April 2006 has been set for the Public Inquiry to be held. The location will probably be in one of the rooms in Ealing Town Hall. At the hearing the Council will defend their decision. West Acton Residents Association, which has been at the forefront of opposing the Bus Depot, has been assured by Cllr. Lawrence Evans, the chair of the Planning Committee, that the decision to refuse planning permission will be vigorously defended."

January 30th, 2005