Transport Select Committee for Angie Bray

MP says it will be "chance to have real input into policy"

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Angie Bray, MP For Ealing Central and Acton, Makes her Maiden Speech
Angie Bray speaking in the House of Commons

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Recognising that transport is a vital issue for Ealing and Acton residents, Angie Bray MP stood for and was elected to the Transport Select Committee.

The Committee examines the expenditure, administration and policy of the Department for Transport and its associated public bodies. Angie will now be in a prime position to work to ensure that both Ealing and Acton get the transport improvements that are so badly needed.

Foremost amongst these will be ensuring that Crossrail arrives on time and that Ealing Broadway finally gets a new station that can deal with the amount of people that pass through it every day. Angie has also joined the All Party Parliamentary Group on Crossrail and was delighted to be elected as Treasurer last week. She says,

“I am thrilled that I have been given the opportunity to study transport issues in depth, especially Crossrail. I know how important transport matters are for residents in Ealing and Acton and I now have the chance to have a real input into transport policy.”





July 1, 2010