'Mayor Ducks the Challenge of Air Pollution'

Friends of the Earth say London Plan fails to address the problem

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The vexed question of air pollution was debated at the Examination in Public of the London Plan on 16th September.

Friends of the Earth, along with most other parties, were highly critical of the Plan, saying it failed to address the problem of air pollution in London.

Nic Ferriday, spokesperson for West London Friends of the Earth, said: “Air pollution is a big issue for London. A report from the Greater London Authority showed that over 4,000 Londoners die every year from air pollution.

"Air pollution in London regularly breaches limits set to protect human health and the UK government is threatened with massive fines from the EU. But none of this is mentioned in the Plan.”

The London Plan has policies intended to address the problem of air pollution. But no evidence is given to show that it will succeed say FoE.

Nic commented: “The biggest contributor to air pollution in London is road traffic. But Boris Johnson has abandoned his predecessor’s efforts to control road traffic.He wants to get rid of road traffic reduction targets, remove the western extension of the congestion charge zone and delay the Low Emissions Zone – all guaranteed to increase traffic and pollution.

"Boris Johnson seems more interested in pandering to motorists than protecting the lives and health of Londoners.”

September 17, 2010