Action Acton want to hear from you

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Action Acton are seeking your views to help improve Acton's Town Centre and make the case for a local market and more events in Acton Town Square.

To complete the questionnaire, click here. You can complete it online and then email it to or send it by post to Sue Jollands, Projects and Programmes Manager, Action Acton, 16-18 Crown Street, Acton, W3 8SB.

The Acton Liveability programme - funding of more than £2.8 million for Ealing Council to invest into Acton - is designed to create a safer, cleaner more attractive Acton through physical improvements and new Town Centre Rangers. The Council have contracted Action Acton to manage the programme and improving Acton Town Square will be a vital first step. Acton residents have been unhappy with the use of the area for some time and the programme hopes to tackle the issue of street drinkers, tidy up the litter and shrubbery and hold regular events that bring together local businesses and residents. 

Following the successful Winter Festival, Liveability hope that from next spring, the Square will be home to a temporary street market. If the market is a success, planning permission will be sought to bring a permanent market to the area.  Comprehensive works to improve the area will be complete by 2006.

January 10th, 2005