Bute House School

The school was founded in 1932 and currently is located in Brook Green next door to the St. Paul's Girls. Its facilities were significantly refurbished and modernised in 1998. It enjoys the use of its own excellent facilities plus children at the school also get to use the playing fields and swimming pool of St. Paul's Girls.

It teaches girls from 4 to 11 with class sizes of approximately 20 but a pupil to teacher ratio of about 14 to 1.

The school's location and reputation as a feeder for St. Paul's Girls makes this one of the most sought after schools for West London residents wishing to send their daughters down this particular academic path. However, the school is anxious to counter the impression that it is the 'St. Paul's Girls Prep School'. Although the head of St. Paul's sits on the governing body typically only a third of Bute girls go onto that school. The fees per term are �3,245 (06/07).

Bute House aims to produce confident children who are self-motivated learners

How do you get in?

The normal age for admission is either at 4 or 7 years. For entry at 4, registration forms may be sent to the school from birth up to the September of the academic year (ie 1st September to 31st August) in which your daughter will be 3. Children are not assessed for the four year old entry; selection is by ballot. Should the application be unsuccessful, your daughter's name will automatically be transferred to the waiting list for entry at 7.

For entry at 7, an assessment is held on a day in December preceding the September when admission is required. From time to time, additional vacancies occur at other age levels. The final decision for the acceptance of a pupil at any age rests with the Headmistress and entry after age seven years would be subject to assessment.

An open day is held for all prospective parents at the end of the Summer Term. Interested parents should telephone the school in May or June to ascertain the date. There is also an afternoon meeting during the Autumn Term for parents of 7+ entrants.

Contact details


Bute House School
Luxemburg Gardens
W6 7EA






(020) 7603 7381


(020) 7371 3446


Mrs. S. Salvidant