Colourscape blends light, music and architecture on the front lawn

‘Colourscape’ is described as a festival of colour and music
May 22, 2024
Boston Manor House is hosting the ‘Colourscape’ festival of colour and music for the first ever time.
The immersive space blends light, music and architecture and can be seen from the weekend before the school’s half-term break, and running every day from Saturday, 25 May to Sunday, 2 June, 12pm to 5pm.
The historic house has partnered with Eye Music to deliver an array of intense colours and spaces, accompanied by live music and performance in the Colourscape structure which will be on the front lawn of the house.
Highlights include:
• Sunday, 26 May: HyperYak plays Far Eastern instruments plus panpipes, gongs, and Tibetan Singing Bowls with computer processing
• Thursday, 30 May – music from the Baroque period to the present day by Stevie Wishart and Maureen Wolloshin, playing on ancient instruments with new technology
• Friday, 31 May - Voice Trio, a women's vocal ensemble
• Saturday, 1 June: music by Sylvia Hallett and Ansuman Biswas, featuring a range of instruments including an amplified cycle wheel and aquaphones with creative dance by Eileih Muir
• Sunday, June 2: Chinese gongs and drums by Beibei Wang and creative dance by Eileih Muir
The performances will last for 30 minutes with a limit of 15 people per session. Tickets for Colourscape are now available at £6 for adults or £3 for children. Book a place here.
Inside the historic house, free colour-themed craft activities for families, and tours of the vivid colours of the four-hundred-year-old House will take place every day whilst the Colourscape Structure is in place for visits.
Councillor Shivraj Grewal, Hounslow Council Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Culture, said, "Boston Manor House has welcomed residents and visitors of all ages to explore its unique architecture and participate in a wide range of community events and activities, including exhibitions, heritage talks, special creative events families, volunteer events, school forums and much more. I encourage everyone to visit this historic house to learn, discover and socialise."
With support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Boston Manor House is open to the public for free, six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday, 12pm-5pm. More details about upcoming events and activities at the house can be found here.
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