Oliver's Wholefood Store Summer Food Festival
A feast for the taste buds at leading London organic food store

Summer Food Festival
Thursday 15th May 6-8pm

Oliver's Wholefoods
5 Station Approach, Kew Gardens,
Richmond, TW9 3QB
020 8948 3990

Summer Food Festival at leading London organic food store is a feast for the taste buds!

Thursday May 15th 6 – 8 pm

Pioneering London organic health food shop - Oliver’s Wholefoods Store in Kew Village – will be packed full with food lovers tasting a delicious range of organic fare from a variety of local, small independent and organic producers.

Sara Novakovic, Owner of Oliver’s Wholefoods Store, said:

“We are expecting this to be an extremely busy and happy event with a fantastic community atmosphere. 19 local food growers and producers – many of them winners of ‘Great Taste’ and organic awards – are bringing an enticing variety of delicious summer foods to sample. Producers creating a stir include Cultivate London, their organically grown & freshly cut salads renown for their tastiness can be sampled on the night. In 2012 they won the Observer Magazine’s Grower of the Year Award and last year was also a winner in the Hounslow Borough Business Awards. This Brentford based Social Enterprise Project convert vacant land into productive food growing spaces and generate training opportunities and jobs for unemployed young people.

“Hodmedods from East Anglia will be serving hot dahl and baked beans made with Norfolk grown lentils and beans . The Sunshine kitchen will be cooking up a storm with their scrumptious burgers.

“Other favourites include sensational range of fresh juices from Plenish, (including Sweet Sexy Green, Perky Melon, Mind body Green and spicy Lemondade), and delicious organic Italian charcuterie that have become firm favourite with customers over the years.

The plentiful supply of wine will of course also popular! The evening is a wonderful opportunity for our customers to taste new foods and meet the producers behind them to find out how the food is grown and made and the positive impact this can have on the planet.”

Additional yummy organic foods include raw macaroons, fruit bursting jams and spreads from Serbia, paleo sweets and treats , frozen fruit sorbets, muesli’s heaving with superfoods and no added sugar, odoles of savory snacks, gorgeous Devon ginger beer and Cornish cider. Food tasters will be spoilt for choice.

People really enjoy discovering the story behind their production.

Amanda Kirkman, a regular shopper at Oliver’s Wholefoods Store who attends regular events, commented: “These evening are quite simply delicious, and great fun!  It will be another superb evening of top notch food at Oliver's Wholefood Store.”

Steven Parsons, who represented Pukka Herbs at our last food festival said: “What’s lovely about doing an event at Oliver’s is you recognise the same customers again and again, which shows there is a real customer loyalty at this store. It was a really good night, incredibly busy and there was a great vibe. I am always happy to be a part of an evening event at Oliver’s Wholefoods Store, the shop staff are always happy to help and make the evening nice and easy, and there’s always such a buzz and excitement in the air.”


May 12, 2014