Ealing Independent College Launches Scholarship Competition

As part of their committment to providing an excellent education

Ealing Independent College
83 New Broadway
London W5 5AL

Tel: 020 8579 6668
Fax: 020 8567 8688
Principal: Dr Ian Moores

At Ealing Independent College, we are committed to providing an excellent education that opens doors to top universities and allows students to reach their true potential. To ensure that gifted applicants and those who would not be able to attend the College without financial support benefit from the education we provide, we award scholarships to exceptionally gifted and ambitious students.

For 2018 we are delighted to announce that we are launching a scholarship competition especially for those who are interested in joining our GCSE and A-Level programmes in Year 9/10 (GCSE) and Year 12 (A-Level), where up to a 100% scholarship will be awarded. For both GCSE (Y9/10) and A-Level (Y12) we will provide one scholarship worth 100% of the tuition fees and one scholarship worth 50% (i.e. a total of 4 scholarships awarded). Recipients of the scholarships are expected to work hard, achieve their academic goals, and contribute positively to the College community; both academically and socially. 

For more details and to register please visit www.ealingindependentcollege.com/scholarshipcompetition


January 19, 2018

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