Spring programme of talks January to May 2011
The Society's talks take place on the third Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Chiswick Memorial Club Bourne Place, Chiswick W4. Remember that the club does not open until 7pm.
21 March
"A History of Christ Church, Turnham Green" by Carolyn and Peter Hammond and "History from a Skip - what was in the tin trunk?" by James Wisdom.
18 April
Strawberry Hill House and Horace Walpole
An illustrated lecture by Michael Snodin, Chairman of the Strawberry Hill Trust and curator of the 2010 exhibition on Walpole at the Victoria & Albert Museum
16 May |
Annual General Meeting
Journal 20 will be available at the meeting and then will be posted to members unable to collect their copy in person.
You may also be interested in the following:
Saturday 26 March
9.30-4.30, Montague Hall, Hounslow
Scientists and Innovators in West London History, the 31st West London Local History Conference,. Tickets £8 at meetings or by post fromJ. McNamara, 31B Brook Road South, Brentford TW8 ONN
The Society's talks take place on the third Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Chiswick Memorial Club Bourne Place, Chiswick W4. Remember that the club does not open until 7pm.
Annual subscriptions of £9 fall due on 1 January 2011
Advance Notice: The Society’s summer outing is likely to take place on Saturday 23 July. Details and booking forms will be sent with the Summer Programme after Easter.
March 15, 2011