Fire Guts Green Chilli Indian Restaurant

Security cameras in police on watch

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Fire ripped through Green Chilli, the Indian restaurant on King's Street in the parade of shops opposite the Methodist Church this weekend. Security cameras were installed in the shell of the restaurant and the chairs and tables seemed undisturbed. Police are on watch but no clear indications have been proposed when eye-witnesses were questioned by Hammersmith Today, on the cause of the fire.

Reportedly, Green Chilli had a series of arrears payments with the landlord and with suppliers and was anticipated to shut down due to the change in the high street trading environment. High rents, rates and other costs in running a successful retail business caught up with the restaurant people who knew the inside story told Hammersmith Today. Running a restaurant business is even tougher as staff costs, heating, electricity and gas bills are high and margins are low. With supply costs mounting - basic commodity costs have risen and with it wholesale and retail prices. Unable to differentiate itself in a high street that has over 20 Indian restaurants all within a mile's distance of each other, Green Chilli is not the first casuality. Agni owned by a celebrity chef closed doors a couple of years ago.

It is not just Indian restaurants that have suffered Wishing Well, an old staple for good Italian and Mediterranean cuisine closed down, Angolo now owned by Seasons Restaurant closed two years ago, Sabai Sabai the Thai restaurant replaced by Charm Restaurant, Bar 38 on the Hammersmith gyratory has just been sold as has the pub The Fire Station also now under new management.

September 6, 2010