Stay Of Execution for Ticket Offices |
TfL perform "massive u-turn" with consultation over proposed closures Tony Arbour AM, London Assembly Member for Hounslow has welcomed the news that Transport for London (TfL) and the Mayor of London, have performed what he calls "a massive u-turn" over the proposed ticket office closures at Chiswick Park and Boston Manor but has warned that this could just be a stay of execution. London Assembly Conservatives discovered that TfL are now re-consulting over the closure of ticket offices and that these will be reviewed after this consultation. Tony Arbour AM said, “This is a welcome stay of execution by Transport for London and the Mayor of London for Boston Manor and Chiswick Park – but I fear that this could be nothing more than a piece of electioneering. The proposed closures were to be started in the next few months – just before the Mayor comes up for re election. “Not only are these stations threatened but thousands of residents and commuters across London have signed petitions highlighting their disgust at the proposals to close the ticket offices at 40 stations across London. They will be pleased to hear that Transport for London and the Mayor of London have made this huge U-turn – and hope the delay will mean that the whole idea is scrapped. “I have long campaigned against these closures. I welcome the decision but hope it is made a permanent one.” September 19, 2007 |