Free Compost Bins for Hounslow Borough Residents

Offer aims to encourage a greener lifestyle!

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Don’t throw away your green garden material and kitchen waste - put it in a compost bin!  That’s the message from Hounslow’s Recycling Team, which is encouraging residents to take up their offer of a free compost bin and get composting this spring.

Organic waste, such as fruit/vegetable peelings and garden waste, makes up over 30% of household waste.

Waste minimisation officer, Jayshree Taank, said: “Most of our waste can be recycled in some way or another, but what people often forget is that certain green garden waste and kitchen waste can also be reused by composting.

“Uncooked fruit and vegetable scraps, tea bags or coffee grounds are just some of the leftovers can be added to the compost bin, as well as garden waste - grass and shrub cuttings, small branches and fallen leaves.

“Home composting not only helps to protect the local environment, but will save you money and help your garden to grow naturally. It’s simple, easy, and you don’t need to be green-fingered!”

For more information on the composting scheme, or to request a compost bin, contact Hounslow’s Recycling Team on T: 020 8583 5060 or email

Note that only one composter will be provided to each household, and that it remains the property of the Council.

Subject to availability, Hounslow Council can provide each household with:

o       A 220 litre compost bin with a hatch for easy access
o       A kitchen bin for storing fruit and vegetable waste
o       4 seasonal newsletters during the first year with hints and tips on successful composting.
o       The opportunity to attend a training workshop held locally across the borough
o       A hotline number to call with queries or advice

The Council also offers a Green Garden Waste Collection Service, which collects garden waste and puts it to good use - all material collected is sent for central composting.

April 30, 2004