Wandsworth to Resume Normal Parking Restrictions | ||
Full enforcement to begin in the borough later this month
Wandsworth esidents are being advised that the enforcement of parking controls will recommence on Monday, May 25. Since the lockdown began the council has relaxed normal parking arrangements and chosen not to penalise drivers who do not have permits or have not purchased a pay and display voucher.
Although normal parking controls will resume from May 25 for most drivers, free parking will continue for NHS staff, carers and volunteers. People who do not have a permit but are currently using a space or parking on single yellow lines within a controlled parking zone will need to either purchase a permit, obtain a dispensation or park elsewhere from May 25 onwards. The council’s transport spokesman Cllr Paul Ellis sai, : “Since the lockdown began motorists in Wandsworth have been permitted to park almost anywhere without fear of receiving a parking ticket. The only ones to have been penalised are those who have parked dangerously or without consideration for other road users and pedestrians. “But with the first tentative steps now being taken to move out of lockdown and bring life back to a semblance of normality, we can expect traffic levels to increase and therefore we need to start taking action to protect our residents and ensure they have the spaces they need to park safely. “Therefore normal parking rules will begin to come back into place from May 25 onwards. We are giving people just under a fortnight’s notice so they can plan ahead for this change. “But of course, in recognition of the crucial roles still being played by NHS staff and carers, we will continue to offer them free dispensation so that if they are using cars to drive to work for social distancing reasons they can carry on doing so without worrying about getting a ticket.” For more information please visit www.wandsworth.gov.uk/parking/ May 13, 2020 |