Keens Ordered To Repay £1,500 | |||
Watchdog says couple wrongly claimed money from second home allowance
MPs Alan and Ann Keen have been ordered to repay £1,500 after a Government watchdog ruled that they wrongly claimed money from the second home allowance. According to the Commons Standards and Privileges Committee, the couple were not entitled to make the expense claims because their Westminster apartment had, in effect, become their main home. The Keen's Brook Road South house has undergoing extensive refurbishments and considered by them to be uninhabitable. However, in June 2009, squatters took up residence in the Brentford property after it was revealed that it had been empty for more than a year. The couple managed to obtain a repossession order and stated that work would recommence imminently. Although the Committee found that the Keens had made claims they were not entitled to, the said that the couple should not have to repay all the money because the Commons authorities told them twice their arrangements were acceptable. Commenting on the ruling, Ann and Alan Keen said, “We accept in full the verdict of the Committee, and are grateful that the members acknowledge the strong mitigating circumstances in our case”. March 11, 2010 |