Doing Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award?

Still need to tick off your residential aspect or simply wish to learn to cook?

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Join the Wyld Cookery School (WCS) on their one week Essential Cookery course which will prepare you for your independent life at university or moving away from the comforts of home - what ever the reason!

The school is an Approved Activity Provider (AAP) for the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and organises accommodation and evening activities to satisfy the demands of the scheme. There are residential spaces available on the following courses:

* 3rd - 7th July 2017
* 17th - 21st July 2017
* 7th - 11th August 2017
(* please call or email to check there are residential spaces available)

The school is located in the Tonsleys in Wandsworth, (WCS) teaches students life skills centered around cooking techniques and tasty recipes to establish healthy food habits at university and beyond (and to impress their mates!). Some arrive only with the ability to avoid the kitchen by buying a Subway and they will all leave not only being able to produce a three course meal, but enjoy doing so and having had great fun and making new friends!

Unlike some of the more traditional gastronomic schools, you won't have to take out a bank loan to send your children or yourself - Wyld Cookery students are not signing up to be a professional chef - they are joining an intensive 'boot camp' course to learn a 'tool kit' of kitchen skills that will stay with them for life.

Running out of state of the art kitchens in Wandsworth Town which are owned by Venturi's Table. The day start at 9.30am and finish at 4.30pm and in those hours the students will cook & eat their creations, from cakes to roasts, breads and daily staples such as fish pie & lasagne and more adventurous contemporary recipes. They will also cover menu planning, budgeting and some domestic chores such as washing up and clearing up behind them!

Madeleine Peck enjoying her 'season' after completing the Wyld Seasonaire Course

For students planning a gap year after their A Levels are completed, and are considering doing a 'season' as a chalet host, the WCS Seasonaire course is just the thing: two weeks (ten days) of cooking, tips to keep your guests happy and yet get the most time on the slopes yourself, interviews with chalet companies whilst you are with the school and importantly help with your CV and job applications (even before the course starts). The teaching staff have all done many seasons on the pistes - followed by summers catering on super yachts - so you can be assured that they know what they are talking about! And if you stay for one of the two weeks you can use this for your DofE gold residential course.

If you are connected to a school and would like the WCS to come and talk to your A Level and or DofE students they will happily come along armed with their chocolate brownies - just drop them an email.

Readers of this site will receive a 10% discount off the courses if they quote NeighbourNet when they book by email contact

June 9, 2017

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