Papplewick Launches Extended London Transport Service From September 2018
Soon to be available in the Gloucester Road area

Next Open Morning
Saturday 13th May 2017
9 am to 11 am

For further details on the daily bus services from Chiswick and Brook Green, including the charge for this service, please contact the Registrar, Sarah Tysoe, either on 01344-621488 or at

Papplewick School, Windsor Road, Ascot

Papplewick School is extending the reach of its daily London bus services to the Gloucester Road area, near to the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, from September this year

Based in Ascot, Berkshire, the school offers day, weekly, and full boarding education for around 200 boys between the ages of six and thirteen, achieving excellent academic results and feeding the top UK senior schools. 

Papplewick has run two very popular daily transport services to and from Chiswick and Brook Green since 2005. This new service will be launched in response to increasing demand from London families who live further slightly further in to London. Many of these are looking for a rural preparatory school which can offer boys more space for sports and other facilities, with an enormous range of extra-curricular activities offered within the school day.

Headmaster Tom Bunbury said: “We've had a substantial number of enquiries from London parents who are considering an out-of-London school for their sons as day boys from as early as year 2, with boarding - either weekly or full - from age 10 or 11. Our new extended bus service will enable many more London families, and in particular those living in the areas around Chelsea and Belgravia, to take advantage of all we have to offer boys here at Papplewick.” 

More information about the school can be found at:


January 30, 2018